
How to get google certification in digital marketing

How To Get Google Certification in Digital Marketing: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Get Google Certification in Digital Marketing: A Comprehensive Guide When you think of digital or online landscape, Google is the first name that pops up to our mind. It is a source of reliance, assistance, and trust. Thus, a Google certification goes a long way in the digital world. Not to mention, when Google takes over the world this certification just might save your life. I’m kidding. Don’t worry. No one is taking over

The curse of the zombie cookie

The Curse of the Zombie Cookie: How Your Privacy & Security is at Risk!

When you hear the term ‘Zombie Cookie’ you might get hungry, you might crave something sweet. But believe me, there is nothing sweet about the dreaded Zombie Cookie. So let’s get on with our scary tale, shall we? Beware Beware! It’s that time of the year! We are at the twilight of the Halloween season, but the scary things are still lurking in the shadows. Well,