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How to get google certification in digital marketing

How To Get Google Certification in Digital Marketing: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Get Google Certification in Digital Marketing: A Comprehensive Guide When you think of digital or online landscape, Google is the first name that pops up to our mind. It is a source of reliance, assistance, and trust. Thus, a Google certification goes a long way in the digital world. Not to mention, when Google takes over the world this certification just might save your life.

5 Things to Master for Creating a Flawless Responsive Web Design

5 Things to Master for Creating a Flawless Responsive Web Design A responsive web design is absolutely necessary today if your website is going to be taken seriously. ‘Why’ you ask? It’s because a web designer is an artist that uses his/her skill to create beautiful pieces of work; web sites.  However, if the web design isn’t responsive, the beauty of the website can’t be

Google Shopping Updates in 2018 That You Must Know!

  Gather around people, it’s that merry time of the year that every retail advertiser waits for. They polish their ecommerce strategies and ramp up digital efforts; finally, when the time is just right, Google rolls out exhilarating product updates. September is always a busy month for merchants due to the upcoming holidays. It was also a busy month for Google Shopping with them rolling out several

The Most Underrated Animation Engine: Velocity, the Powerhouse of JavaScript Libraries

    Motion has always been a thing of fascination for us humans. It is a survival instinct that has served us well since ancient times. Today this instinct is used as an opportunity for developers to exploit as a means for mesmerizing visitors and clients.   The animation is one of the most powerful tools in the arsenal of designers and developers to increase the beauty and attract ability

11 Necessary Objectives to Maintain While Doing: SEO Outsourcing

For every business, growing their online existence is very important. This can be done by running good SEO campaigns. But that’s not the only task and it is not that easy either. It takes time and expertise, not to mention constant tweaking. Having an SEO agency can assist you throughout this journey. Considering SEO outsourcing? You are making a wise decision! But

How to Automate Outbound Sales Process with 21 Tools

An outbound sales process is a system that efficiently and successfully guides prospects through the whole customer journey using accessible resources to make that journey pleasant for those prospects. A good outbound sales process is probable and repeatable. An excellent sales process is scalable. Though, the whole outbound sales process is full of challenges that, if mistreated, can weaken not just the productivity of a