9 Incredible Ideas For Twitter Lead Generation

twitter lead generation

Want ideas for twitter lead generation or how you can double or even triple the number of leads you get on Twitter?

Then continue reading!
Twitter lead generation is a great way to find the right audience at the right time.
You might be thinking, “How can I use twitter lead generation as a sustainable strategy? Is Twitter even suitable for my business?”

Sure it is. Here are some data to back it up:
– 66% of customers have discovered a new small or medium-sized business (SMB) on Twitter
– 94% plan to purchase from the SMBs they follow
– 69% bought from an SMB because of something they saw on Twitter

So, let’s talk about how you can use twitter lead generation to grow your business!


1. Know The 3P Of Marketing

Marketing 3P’s has always been useful for managing different social media. For twitter lead generation it is vital.
The 3P’s of marketing are:
– Purpose: Tweets that provides value to your followers.
– Personal: Personal tweets about you and your business, so that your followers stay connected.
– Promotional: Tweets that sells, sells, sells.
You see, people don’t follow businesses because they want to be sold to. Give your followers something that they can learn from, earn their trust, and eventually they will be sold to the idea. Add personality to your tweets to connect with your audience.
Understand the 3P’s, then find a ratio of your tweets that fits the 3P’s and works for you.


2. Build A Tailored Twitter Audience

This is an essential step in twitter lead generation. If you want to get leads with Twitter, you absolutely have to make sure you’re building a targeted Twitter following.
As I shared earlier, 94% of customers plan to purchase from the SMBs they follow. That is only if you’re connecting with the right people. Otherwise, you’ll only be promoting your tweets to people who aren’t interested in what you have to offer – not a great strategy regarding twitter lead generation.
So how do you grow a targeted Twitter following? By following the people you want as customers.
One effective method is to follow people who are tweeting and retweeting about a topic relevant to your business.


3. Launch A Contest

Okay, who doesn’t love contests?
Everyone loves a contest! The best part about a contest is that it requires (or should) an email to get an entry.
With third party platforms like Wishpond, you can easily create entry forms that require users to give their email addresses to participate.
Plus you can introduce a viral component. People are likely to tweet and re-tweet if they know it will double their chances of winning the contest. Photo contests will make people want to share on social media even more (especially on Twitter).

twitter lead generation

4. Utilize Twitter Ads

Ads are a great way for twitter lead generation. It allows you to focus on your target market and get in front of your audience instantly.
But before you go out and start creating ads, start being diligent in preparation.
I found this blog post by adespresso incredibly useful. In their blog post, they analyzed over 7,700 Twitter ads.
Here’s the summary of their findings:
– Almost all Twitter ads use an image
– Mentions aren’t popular In Twitter ads
– Using just one hashtag in Twitter ads is most effective
– The most popular number used in Twitter ads is 5

5. Respond To Tweets Quickly

If someone mentions your brand on Twitter, make sure that you respond to that tweet ASAP. It doesn’t matter if it’s positive or negative. Answer it as soon as you see it.

People love it when businesses respond to them quickly. It shows that they are heard, that you care, and it shows appreciation for your followers (potential or current customers).
The best situations are when people are comparing your product with your competitors. That’s a golden opportunity when you definitely should be the first one to respond to those tweets.


6. Tweet Relevant People About Your Product

For some, this approach may be spammy. However, if you’re running out of time and you want to increase leads instantly, this method can work for you.
You can tweet relevant people about your business, product or service. The key is to make sure you’re varying those tweets and not sending the exact same copy over and over.
Check out these tweets for an instance. It’s a great example of what I am trying to say.



Noticed how he’s sending tweets to so many people? But he is changing it up so that it looks different. You can send tweets by tagging individually, use their names and say something like:
@askaaronlee Hey Aaron, we’ve created a new _____ that ________.
That way it looks more personalized and most importantly human.
You might be thinking, does this method actually work?
Here are some of the responses he got.


Not bad huh! The best part is it cost him nothing.


7. Include A CTA In Your Bio And Cover Photo

People are visiting your profile, folks! And if you’re following relevant people, they’re going to read your bio. It’s just how it works.


Think about the need of your target audience and then give it to them for free.
Giveaway eBooks, samples, etc. Find out what your customers want. If you don’t know what they want, ask your current followers and find out what they want. Find out through a twitter pool. Compile what you learned and give that away.
Offer something exclusive or compelling. Add a call to action in your bio and cover photo, and boom!
This method will work better for twitter lead generation than the usual ‘subscribe to my blog here’ method that I see many people do.


8. Create A Twitter Landing Page

We all know your Twitter profile lets you include a link to a single URL.
The first thought for most people is to merely use their website’s homepage, which is logical. They’re trying to get exposure for their brand.

However, a more current alternative would be to generate a landing page that’s specifically designed for your Twitter visitors.

This might contain a brief summary of your product or service, an email sign-up form, etc. In other words, you could jump right in and get to the point to increase your chances of creating a conversion.
Your homepage may or may not lead to a conversion, whereas a Twitter landing page could help you fully capitalize on the leads you obtain and prevent you from losing this traffic.


9. Try Twitter Lead Generation Cards

If you would like to break out and beyond the standard 140 characters and add a whole new dimension to your campaign, you can do so with Twitter lead generation Cards.
Twitter states that, “with Twitter Cards, you can attach rich photos, videos, and media experience to Tweets that drive traffic to your website. Simply add a few lines of HTML to your webpage, and users who Tweet links to your content will have a ‘Card’ added to the Tweet that’s visible to all their followers.”
This technique can show significant results because of the simple fact that users can sign up for your newsletter, download an app, buy a product, or perform a variety of other actions without having to ever leave your Twitter feed.
The fewer hoops users have to jump through, the better your odds of making a conversion.



Notice that users can instantly purchase the product by clicking on the link embedded within the tweet. They don’t even have to visit an external landing page.
There are actually eight different types of Twitter Cards available, and all of them can boost your lead generation in their own unique way.


Over To You

If you’re serious about twitter lead generation then these tips will definitely help you. Not going to lie, nothing is going to happen overnight. Keep at it. Twitter can and will produce quality leads if you put some effort.
By taking a slightly out-of-the-box approach, you can capitalize on this resource and connect with targeted consumers without having to invest loads of money.

Do you have any special strategies for generating a high volume of leads on Twitter? Let us know in the comments.